Afghani Chamakpara Apricots | Chapanamak

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Premium quality Afghani Chamakpara Apricots are sourced directly from Afghan farmers. They have distinctive twisted shape and rich flavor. These apricots are rich source of vitamins A and C. Traditionally used in Afghan cuisine, such as in the preparation of Haft Mewa, (a seven-fruit compote enjoyed during celebrations).

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Afghani Chamakpara Apricots, also known as Chapanamak, are a unique variety of dried apricots. They have distinctive twisted shape and rich flavor. Grown in Afghanistan, these apricots are naturally sun-dried. They possess deep orange hue and sweet taste. The traditional drying process enhances their chewy texture and make them a delightful and healthy snack.

These apricots are rich source of vitamins A and C. They are used to maintain good vision, support the immune system, and makes the skin healthy. The presence of antioxidants in Chamakpara Apricots helps protect the body against harmful free radicals. They help reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Incorporating Afghani Chamakpara Apricots into your diet is simple and versatile. Enjoy them as a standalone snack to satisfy sweet cravings in a healthy way. They can also be added to trail mixes, cereals, or yogurt for flavor and nutrition. Traditionally used in Afghan cuisine, such as in the preparation of Haft Mewa, (a seven-fruit compote enjoyed during celebrations).

At Organic Point, we take pride in offering premium quality Afghani Chamakpara Apricots. Our apricots are sourced directly from Afghan farmers who employ traditional drying methods without the use of artificial additives or preservatives. This ensures that you receive a product that is both authentic and wholesome.

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Weight1 kg



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